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Service time: 10.30am on 1st Sunday of the Month, followed by refreshments 3.00pm on 3rd Sunday when we have "t@3"
Congregation size: About 12 regulars aged 40-80 and occasional visitors
Children & young people: 3 under 8 occasionally
Hymn Books: Complete Mission Praise; congregation enjoys old and new songs
Music: CD's (organ and piano available but no musician at present) if CDs needed, please check
Worship Leaders: 1 available
Lectionary expected: No, but happy to use it
Congregational involvement: Read lessons; can lead intercessions or other involvement by arrangement
Lord's Prayer: Traditional and modern (need books if modern)
Contact with preacher: Preacher to contact Elaine by phone or email in advance
Orders of service: Methodist and Church of England communion 
Church of England morning prayer
Offering: Usually in final hymn
Communion arrangements: At the front, all together
Sound system: Yes
Computer: Projector and computer available by prior arrangement, wider use of Word/PowerPoint would be welcomed
Wi-Fi and Internet: No


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