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Service time: 10.00am & occasional 3pm Praise and Worship informal  Services without any preaching.
Duration: Services will last approximately 1 hour
Congregation size: 25-30, aged 4-90+
Children & young people: Children's activity sheets will be available as there is currently no Junior Church Session
Worship Books: The Methodist Worship Book is available
Hymn Books: Singing the Faith and Songs of Fellowship 1 and 2
Music: Organ, piano and keyboard. Singing the Faith music track is also available on CDs. Congregation usually sits to listen to the first line or two of a hymn and then stands
Welcome: The steward welcomes the preacher/minister and reads out any special notices. This is followed by a few moments of quiet music before the worship service starts
Worship Leaders: Yes, one in training
Lectionary expected: Preferred but not obligatory
Congregational involvement: Read lessons and do drama
Lord's Prayer: Traditional Version
Contact with preacher: The preacher will be emailed (or telephoned) by the Senior Steward a week or two prior, which may assist in planning the service as it shows those assisting on the day
A steward may also phone you prior to the service and you are welcome to contact them yourself
The Church uses an audio-visual system and the whole order of service with hymns, prayers, etc is projected on the wall at the front of the Church. The order of service (including hymn numbers and readings) are needed by the Wednesday evening prior to the service. This is to enable the audio-visual operator to prepare the presentation, the organist to practice the hymns and for readers to be contacted
Orders of service: 3
Offering: Congregation will stand when a blessing is given over monies in the plate and to the bank
Communion arrangements: At rail, in groups. Lay people assist
Audio/visual system: The order of service is displayed throughout the worship time including words for hymns. There is a loop system for people with hearing problems. Radio microphone for the preacher to wear and one fixed on the lectern
Computer: All 10am services are put on the computer - SongPro, PowerPoint. Each week one of the team who run this will operate it throughout the service. The service is shown on 2 televisions at the front of the Church
WiFi and Internet: No
CCLI Licence:
16402, MRL
Calamus Licence: A-730877

Come in the main entrance at the right-hand side of the Church as you look at it from the road.
You will be welcomed by the steward and shown to the vestry and he/she will have a prayer with you, before taking you into Church for the start of the service.  He/she will introduce you and give any additional notices.
There may be 3 young people in worship age 8 - 16. There isn't a Junior Church session so they stay in the main service with activity sheets.
Water will be provided on the shelf under the lectern. Just help yourself.
We are pleased to provide readers.  Please use any version of the Bible that you choose.
We can provide you with Prayers of Intercession.
We do not take up a collection but a blessing over monies in the plate and direct to the bank is welcomed.
If you want to use the lectionary or make your own choice of subject that's fine.

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